RPLG Founding Partner Louise Renne spoke at the Bar Association of San Francisco and San Francisco League of Women Voters’ celebration of the 19th Amendment’s centennial last week, bringing insight from decades of experience breaking glass ceilings for herself and those who came behind her.

“2020 marks 100 years and 150 years, respectively, since women and black men gained the right to vote. However, the struggle to secure rights for women and persons of color, voting and otherwise, continues to this day,” said Ms. Renne. “Voter ID laws, current challenges to vote-by-mail systems and other exclusionary tactics are very real threats to Americans’ ability to participate in our democracy, and the impact falls heavily on both women and persons of color. With an incredibly important election coming up this November and the centennial of the 19th Amendment approaching, I can’t think of a better time to reflect on women’s participation in our political system.”
The event, which took place over Zoom on the evening of August 20, was presented by the San Francisco Bar Association’s Women’s Impact Network – No Glass Ceiling 2.0 Committee and the San Francisco League of Women Voters.
The panel examined the century since the certification of the 19th Amendment on August 26, 1920, analyzing the successes and challenges the women’s voting rights movement has faced and ways to promote progress in the years to come.
Ms. Renne presented alongside Roxanne Alejandre, Senior Manager at the San Francisco Department on the Status of Women; Leah Edwards, Former President of the San Francisco League of Women Voters; and Maxine Anderson, Director of the California League of Women Voters. Rebecca Bers, Deputy City Attorney in the Office of San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera, moderated the conversation.
Ms. Renne has made significant strides for women in the legal profession throughout her career. During her time as City Attorney, she worked to implement inclusive hiring guidelines for San Francisco’s police and fire departments to encourage hiring more women. She also established a daycare for City Hall staffers, taking a burden off the shoulders and wallets of many female employees.
RPLG practices throughout California, advising and advocating for public agencies, nonprofit entities, individuals and private entities in need of effective, responsive and creative legal solutions.