Renne Public Law Group launched a webinar series on May 7, 2020 to help keep public agency partners up-to-date on legislative and administrative developments during the COVID-19 crisis.

“In this dynamic environment, conferences are no longer a viable resource for connecting and facilitating conversations on the novel challenges public agencies are facing,” said RPLG Founding Partner Jon Holtzman. “Through these virtual sessions, our attorneys can fill some of the gaps in knowledge sharing caused by event cancellations.”

Graphic discussing Jon Holtzman's 5/7 presentation In free webinars over the coming months, RPLG will draw on the expertise of attorneys, lobbyists and consultants throughout its divisions to provide insight on developments in Sacramento, pension issues and municipal budgeting, among other topics.

Mr. Holtzman started off the series with two webinars in May. His first session, “Strategies for Managing Financial Implications Resulting from COVID-19: Forecasting and Managing Expenditures” took place on May 7, 2020 from 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Mr. Holtzman, in partnership with the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) and Russ Branson Consulting, discussed COVID-19’s impact on municipal budgeting. Nearly 5oo individuals attended.

Please visit the CSMFO website for slides and a recording of the 5/7 webinar.

Graphic discussing Jon Holtzman's 5/13 presentationAt 11 a.m. on May 13, Mr. Holtzman joined GovInvest and AdastraGov’s Senior Public Finance Consultant Charlie Francis to examine fiscal preparedness and labor relations during (and after) the COVID-19 period. Throughout their session, entitled “COVID-19, Local Finances and Labor Negotiations: The New Normal,” Mr. Holtzman and Mr. Francis analyzed the current financial situation and demonstrated innovative technology from GovInvest and AdastraGov that can help local governments manage finances and prepare for labor negotiations in these uncertain times.

The recording is available here. You can access a PDF of the slide deck here. Please direct further questions to Mr. Holtzman or Mr. Francis via email.

Please stay tuned for information about additional webinars in the coming weeks.

RPLG practices throughout California, advising and advocating for public agencies, nonprofit entities, individuals and private entities in need of effective, responsive and creative legal solutions.