Sandra Celedon, Vice Chair, Fresno Commission on Police Reform
For over 15 years, Sandra Celedon, MPH has been a noteworthy leader in the Public Health sector.
Celedon is the President and Chief Executive Officer for Fresno Building Healthy Communities and is responsible for guiding and supporting multi-sector, diverse stakeholder collaboration to foster and encourage thriving communities where all children and families can live healthy, safe, and productive lives.
Under her leadership, Fresno Building Healthy Communities has been at the forefront in advancing policies and systems change to create opportunities for everyone to thrive – regardless of zip code or socioeconomic status.
Most recently, Celedon played an integral role in the development and implementation of the 2018 Fresno for Parks initiative (Measure P), a citizen-led initiative to provide locally controlled funding for clean, safe neighborhood parks in the city of Fresno.
In 2020, Celedon was elected as the vice chair for the Fresno Commission on Police Reform, a 37-member commission comprised of residents, advocates and stakeholders assigned to develop recommendations to institute reform within the Fresno Police Department.
In her work, Celedon adheres to the public health principles which recognize that all people must have access to the resources necessary for health and that people and their physical environment are interdependent; when one is damaged it will have an adverse effect on the other. That is why she dedicates herself to building healthy communities.
In her free time, she enjoys watching documentaries and spending time with her partner Maurice, son Ernesto, and dog Lola.