About Sara Madsen

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So far Sara Madsen has created 78 blog entries.

Fearsome Foursome: A Quartet of Problematic Bills Threatens Public Employers

Local government employers should be watching SB 266 (Leyva) CalPERS Disallowed Benefits, AB 418 (Kalra) Union-Agent Evidentiary Privilege, AB 1066 (Gonzalez) Unemployment Insurance, Trade Disputes and SB 542 (Stern) Workers’ Compensation Presumptions PTSD, First Responders. Here’s why.

2019-08-14T13:46:37-07:00August 14th, 2019|

Recent Limitation on Home Rule Doctrine: Charter Cities and Likely All Counties Are Subject to State Minimum Wage Requirements

In light of Marquez, we recommend that charter cities, charter counties, and general law counties – as well as all other public employers in California– review their employee salary schedules to ensure compliance with state minimum wage requirements.

2019-06-18T10:04:39-07:00June 18th, 2019|

To Chalk or Not to Chalk: How the Sixth Circuit’s Recent Decision in Taylor v. City of Saginaw Impacts California Municipalities

California municipalities should take heed of the Sixth Circuit’s recent decision in City of Saginaw, which casts a misguided shadow over a longstanding parking enforcement practice.

2019-06-18T09:54:58-07:00May 21st, 2019|
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